***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Saturday, August 25, 2012

MTC Letter #8

Well hello there family!!!
How is e'rybody?? So it has been such a great week! First bit of new...I got my travel plans this week!! WOO!! I am so pumped! only 12ish more days and then this alll gets real! So I fly out of salt lake at 11:12 and arrive in Burbank at 12:15. I have to go to the airport at 8 so sometime before 11 my time I will be giving ya'll a call! I am so excited to hear all of our voices! I am gettting myself mentally prepared to not cry so I don't waste any precious time. My whole district is going to Salt Lake except for me, they all leave at 6 in the morning so I am going to be a solo sista for 2 hours. I am SO excited. I'm not sure if I have made this clear.
In other news let me tell you about my Tuesday night devotional. We had an apostle! Finally!! We have been waiting oh so patiently and finally we got one. But before we get into that let me tell you how awkward my life is. So we have joined the choir as I have mentioned before. Mostly we joined so we can get a guaranteed seat in the Devotionals..it gets crazy. Well during practice before they do a run through of the camera shots they are going to use and it is the number 1 rule in choir to never look at the big projectors because its distracting and we aren't unified...blah blah blah. Guess who got a most wonderful close up, yours truely. Shocking I know, my life is just awkward like that. So I knew that I was going to be on the big screen during the real deal so I am just trying to prep myself to not start lauging, or smiling, or coughing or yawn or anything like that. During the real deal I'm sitting there singing my little sister heart out trying my hardest not to look at the screen however in the corner of my eye there i am. This was not just a nice picture of my face the people stinking explored my pores. They could not have gotten any closer. I'm pretty sure by the time the zoom buttom was alll the way in place all they could see was a one of my freckles. It was uncomfortable. I held it together that whole time though I made it through and laughed as soon as I was off the camera. Lucky for me appartently I was shown throughout the whole thing, especially when I was laughing. (I am just so happy I didn't sneeze and have another really awkward snot toucing my lip incident, becuase that would have been embarassing:) Afterwards I had so many people come up to me saying "gees it was like the Hermana Hansen show" "I'm pretty sure I saw all your pores"  my favorite "I didn't think it was appropriate to be that close to an Hermana on my mission" nice. I have got to pick a better seat next week.
However we had......Elder Andersen come! It was so great! We have been dying for an apostle and since they take July off we haven't had my much luck until this week. Our church is so amazing, I don't know if I can say that enough. This really is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and He for real calls Prophets and Apostle today. The minute you are in the room with one the spirit testifies of it. Tuesday was President Monson's birthday so Elder Andersen gave a talk about everything Pres Monson would say if he were here, it was really great. I have such a testimony of our church leaders being called of God. I know they are His servants.
I got to be a host this week for some of the new Sisters who came in this week. I got to show them around, take them to their room and give them all the deets. Ok not all of the deets because its not all great news :) But it was really fun for me to be able to do what I can to make her feel welcomed and loved. They all looked pretty scared but excited, just like I was. I can't believe is have been more than 7 week since I was one of them. I can come a looooong way! I love being a missionary! I don't always, let's be real this is so hard and sometimes I think I am crazy for being here but I am always so quickly comforted by a scripture or a talk or just my good friend the Spirit. I was thinking yesterday how scary it is that I will be out soon speaking not-spanish and getting laughed at and who know what else. I was reading in Hebrews and came across in verse 6 in chaper 13 and it say that we may boldly say the Lord is our Helper and then we won't fear what man can do. Its amazing to me when I am in need of comfort and then something amazing like me coming across the perfect scripture happens and I know I am being looked after and taken care of.
Well family that is all I gots. Its been a great one! I only have one more full week here and then I am peacing out!! I love you all so much and appreciate all your support. I am going to really miss DearElder when I am out in the field, I get at least one letter a day from ya'll and it just helps me so much! I love you all!!!!
paz fuera!
Hermana Hansen

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