***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Friday, August 17, 2012

MTC Letter #7

O hey heyyy!!
Oh family. I just love you all! You are all so great! I will have you know when I went to collect my mail from the elders on Tuesday I had 10!!! DearElders. Its safe to say my family and friends are the BEST!! Oh how I love those letters! They just make everything so much better knowing you are all still a live and well! It has been just another great week here at the CCM. Its getting hard to come up with stuff to write home about because the weeks are all kind of the same. However I will try my best to thrill you all!
First thrill I have to share hasn't even happpened yet, however next week I get my TRAVEL PLANS!! I can't believe its getting that close! I was talking with Hermana Bragg last night about how little time we have left here. We were freaked out a bit when we had the thought that in 3 weeks from right now we are going to be REAL missionaries. WHAT??? That is a bit much for me to take in right now. I am EXTREMELY excited to get into the real world and get all the "firsts" over with and get into the work but it is intense! I get my plans on Tuesday (usually, hopefully) and then I will know when I will be able to call home from the airport and all so I will give you all those deets next week! I am pumped.
Spanish is alright. I feel like I should know more than I do but it will come when I need it. Most of our language studies are on our own. We kind of have to just teach ourselve Spanish, not my favorite method of learning but I have the spirit on my team so I know it will come when Heavenly Father needs me to have it.
I am racking my brains for something interesting this week...Oh. So a couple weeks ago on Pday the Hermanas and I were outside writing our many letters home when a big group of Elders walked past us. One of them was exclaiming his love for spoons. He noticed we were there and so we tried to explain is spoon love and then told us when a man goes on a mission his religion is no longer women...blah blah blah and then he did a flip and walked away. Now the Hermanas are big Harry Potter fans and they went on how this Elder was just like James Potter. They just loved him after they made this connection and everytime they saw him they would get super excited and say hello and he didn't remember who they were, and acted really annoyed by his new fans. This went on for about two weeks. Then on Sunday we saw him at the fireside and Hermana Bragg really wanted to talk to him but I told her no, Hermana he's not really James, also I think he is weirded out by the constant hellos. As I caught a glimpse of him that night I thought to myself...He looks a lot like the young Jospeh Smith. As it turns out he totally WAS! After the fireside we left to go to a different movie and as soon as we left apparently somebody recognized him from the movie and a swarm of people got to him and took pictures with him. We missed it. He left the next morning for North Carolina. I have been dying all week that our Spoon guy/ James Potter was Joseph Smith for the new movie. Also he hated us. Its been this weeks hearbreak. It has been rough watching the Joseph Smith movie while I work out everyday since.
So I don't feel as if this letter is blog worthy. I have really nothing brilliant to say today. Please forgive me. Just give me a few weeks and I can tell you all about my converting Taylor Swift in Burbank. But for right now I am doing really well here. I learn so much everyday about my Savior and His gospel. I know that what I am doing here is His work. I know that He is the Redeemer of the world and that through His atonement we can all have peace and happiness in our lives. THE CHURCH IS TRUE!! LA IGLESIA ES VERDADERO!!!
I love you all soo much and I appreciate all that you do!
Hermana Hansen

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