***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Friday, August 10, 2012

MTC Letter #6

Hola hola familia!!
So it has been a pretty normal week. I keep a list all week when something good happens so i remember to write home about it but i had nothing by last night so get ready for a super thrilling email!
First big news is Hermana Obrigawitch is gone! :( It was so sad to see her go! She got her visa wednesday at lunch and left thursday at 3 in the morning! So fast! She was a bit freaked out but she is so awesome and is going to do so well! So its just me and the Braggster now. Its kind of weird, we are the only Hermanas in our district and we have our room to ourselves. Its nice to not have to gather up the troops everytime we go somewhere now though. Its amazing what adding just one person to a companionship can do!
We joined the choir! Mostly because Hermana Obrigawitch had bit of a melt down during a study session and said she couldn't study for one more second, so we went to choir. The choir performs on tuedays at the devotionals. I am so paranoid the whole time they are going to do a close up on my face on the big screen while I am singing. There is no way I will be able to not bust up laughing and ruin the whole spirit of it. It was only slightly on me the other night I couldn't control myself. I am awkward.
I have a cold all week. I have been good about making oil pills (thank you mother) and have been drinking emergenc-c like its nothing and have been feeling a lot better. One of the coucilors in the branch presidency was in a meeting with us when I was the most sick and he so kindly informed me last night it sounded like I was hacking up something real special. Ha what can ya do?
One thing we do every Thursday now is go teach a lesson to a member in spanish. I have really learned to love it. You can't do much prep for it beacuse you have to just teach to their needs. We always get somebody really awesome and have really felt the spirit work through us while we are there! The spanish and I have had an off week though. I will be in lessons and suddenly have no idea how to say anything. I can usually understand people just fine (until they direct anything at me) but I just have had a hard time this week getting the spanish to come when needed. All well I am learning and someday I will be able to say whatever I want in Spanish...hopefully. You will all be proud to know we have only gotten the giggles during one of our lessons this week. I don't know what it is, we have never had this problem before, but now its like a time bomb, no one knows when it will come! Hermana Obrigawitch is usually the one that starts it. We both had a cold this week and at one point during our lesson we both sniffled at the same time, which you would think, was just about the funniest thing that had ever happened to us and we lost it. again. Victor was going to have none of it! He is one of our teachers that shows zero emotion. He is just a few months older than me (weird to have teacher my age) and just doesn't have a loose bone in his body. I try very hard to pull it out of him though. little by little everyday. He has started to show a little bit of who he is lately.
That is pretty much all I have. Sorry to not have a lot to report on. Its been a great week though! We had a new district come into our zone last week so last night the zone leaders and I had to go in a teach them some orientation stuff and give them a tour of the MTC. I can't believe its been a month since I was in their seats! I have changed and learned a lot!! I am so blessed to be here! This place isn't always my favorite and I get really excited about getting into the field but I know this is exactly where Heavenly Father wants me! That is such a great feeling! He is so aware of all of us. He is with all of us every step of the way no matter what we are doing! I love this gospel and I love being a missionary!!
Love you allll!!!!!!
Hermana Hansen

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