***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Friday, July 13, 2012

MTC Letter #2

 Hello!!! So I have been here for one whole week now! Wow! It has been quite a long week, full of stress, laughter, tears and A LOT of espanol!

So let's talk about our dear friend Pedro. So we have taught him now 5 times. The first two times were just straight up awkward! I may or may not have told him he had to repent of his fish to return to God. I couldn't even get out of the door without laughing my head off. Pedro is a sweet shy quiet little guy and has mastered the "puppy dog look" thats all we got out of homeboy at first. By lession 3 we decided it was time to have some faith and trust in the Lord. Hermana Bragg is way better at spanish than I am, and I have absolutely no issue with looking like an idiot so we make a great team in there. Pedro asks us a question, Hermana Bragg freezes up scared to answer and I start to rattle off all the spanish I know to answer him. She is my dictionary and I turn to her for about every other word. But it is amazing how Heavenly Father gives the perfect answer to all of his questions. I just need to be more specific in my prayers and ask for the answers in spanish! Yesterday we went in for our lesson all pumped up, we had taught him about the restoration, the plan of salvation and the proper authority, so we went in ready to commit him to baptism. We had him hooked but he would not get over the proper authority business, he kept asking what is the difference between his baptism and ours. I gave him all the spanish I had and said "nuestro authoridad es la authoridad de Dios, y the otra authoridad es el authoridad be hombres." that got him and he commited!!! HALLE-FLIPPING-LUEAH!!!! We were soooooooo pumped!!! I can't imagine what that is going to feel like when it is a real investigator! The spanish is rough but it is coming!

This MTC business is pretty hard at times. I swear 90% of my day is study time. study time, study time, study time. There is a reason I went to hair school, i don't love to study. So I am learning to stay focused! Its amazing how Heavenly father directs me to exactly what I need to study exactly when I need it. I do love it here! The food is meh. I'm living on wraps. Also can we just talk about gym time. 50 mins in a gym, Hermana Hansen has no idea what to do with myself. I'm so awkward. Its not my favorite :) I even played some bball with Hermana Kimes the other day. It was just as awkward as you are imagining! :)

I could not have asked for better Hermanas to be with!! They all bring something so unique that we all balance each other just right. Hermana Kimes knows just what to do when I am feeling reeaaaalll low. I love her! God so knows me and my needs. He is the BEST!
So i just have to thank you all for the letters!!! they are all everything I need! I need to hear about what is going on in everyones life, it helps me feel involved and not forgotten keep them coming! 30 mins is not a lot of time to email so dear elder is for sure the best way to communicate with me and I will continute to letter write ya'll individually.
Mama thank you for the package!! It came just at the right time right when I needed it! (also I have a microwave right in my hallway so it is perfect :))

I am so blessed to be here and have to stay focused on living in the present and Keep my eye on eternal perspective! I love you all soo much and your letters are so amazing I can't even tell you! I will write you all individually as well this week. Keep on keepin on!!!
Love Hermana Hansen

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