***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week 19

Jan 14, 2013

Hello hello!!

Thank you soo much for the birthday wishes everyone! It was a super great day! I loved everything ya'll sent too! I have THE GREATEST FAMILY!!!

I am so happy you got the pictures that Hno Lopez sent! I wasn't sure if that was the right email. They are so sweet. Hno Lopez is a less active member and has a nonmember girlfriend that we teach. We have visited them every week since I have been here so we have gotten to be good friends. They made spaghetti for me and had cupcakes. We just love them. We have been eating a lot of cake this week! Our investigators Joel and Angelica got me a cake too, which was so sweet. I also had other investigators and ward members call me to wish me a happy birthday, only a couple actually know my name but they are sweet to remember the white girl's birthday. Gregorio our new investigator called and wished Hna Gretel a happy birthday. I was only a tiny offended that he looks at me and just thinks Gretel. :)

It has been a pretty good week. Not a lot of news to report on. All of our investigators skipped out on church yesterday so we have some chastising to do. :) But other than that it’s been a good one. We have visited Gregorio a few times this week. We saw him last Monday night and he just said straight up "I want to be baptized how do I do it?" He is so humble and teachable. He is so ready to do the right thing. He has been MIA for a couple of days which is stressful we just really hope all is well with him. His roommate is a member and he said he saw him reading the Book of Mormon for an hour the other day which, is always a good sign. I just love him so much! I really want to help him!

We had a visit with Joel and Angelica this week as well. It was a tense visit. They are working through some stuff in their relationship and it all came out during our lesson with them. We are supposed to council people on stuff like that so all we could do is read them scriptures… ha awkward. I still get very scared to just go off in Spanish with people. I don't have a ton of confidence in it yet. Anyways I really felt that I should suggest that they pray together everyday but I was so scared to interrupt the argument and speak not in my language, but I finally did. I just butted right in and with my guerita accent asked if they every prayed together, they said no. I then did my best to explain to them that if they would pray together and as a family they would invite the spirit into their home and into their relationship and God could help them work through their problems. Then they were like that's nice and kept going. But at the end Joel said he liked the suggestion to pray together, he said he had never thought about doing that and wants to do it. I really hope that they do it and it helps them! I love them a lot!!

Anyways…that has been our week. It has been a good one! We are really trying hard to work with our investigators and help them see the beauty of the gospel! I love what we do! :) I love you all so much!!!

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