***heads up***

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 14

Dec, 10, 2012

Hello my wonderful family!

Dang it has been a big week at home! I can't believe Andrea & Jeremy are moving!!! That is such fantastic news!!!!! That will be so wonderful to have the whole family in the, oh so wonderful AZ!!

So this week has been so great!! We have been working really hard. We have really been trying to show Heavenly Father He can trust us with his children and it has been going so well!! We FINALLY have Hna Higley's bike in working order! We now have 2 bikes in storage just in case her luck continues.

We have 2 pretty solid families we are teaching right now. I am afraid to write about them because I don't want to jinx it. :) But one family is the one that had us over for Thanksgiving. The dad has really loved what we have been teaching. He told us the other night that he has felt something missing in his life and has been searching for it and now he thinks he has found it! How great is that! We didn't even tell him to say that. We have a lot of hope for them! They are such a great family! Please keep the Ramirez family in your prayers.

The other family we found was quite the miracle. We went to stop by some other investigators house the other night because we keep missing them. As we pulled up, I mean rolled up, we saw a couple of men sitting outside of their house. I have met them before just in passing but we never really had a conversation with them. Well Hna Higley and I started to just talk to them and we were talking to them about the Book of Mormon. They were only so, so interested but for some reason we felt we needed to keep talking to them so we did, about 15 mins later a friend of theirs walked up. He was smoking a cigarette  and I got nervous that he wouldn't take what we were all talking about serious. Oh, but he did. He was just eating it up. We read the intro of the Book of Mormon with him and we really seemed to understand it. We asked him if there was a time we could come back and talk to him more about this book and our message and he said YES. He wanted us to come teach his wife too. UMM OK!

So we went to his house on Saturday and it went so well. They are a really wonderful family. They have a brand new baby and they were really open to all that we were teaching them. They were super excited for us to come back and teach them God's Plan of Happiness. AWW yeah! They are super awesome!!

God is really blessing us a lot! I just want to do the best I can to be worthy of these amazing blessings and be able to help these people to continue to progress. I LOVE this work. This week I got to look into the eyes of a young 16-year-old girl and tell her how amazing she is. I got to tell her that she is a special and beautiful daughter of God the most powerful being in existence and that He knows her by name and loves her very much. What a blessing that is that I get to help people realize their divine worth. Dang I love this!!
I love you all and can't wait to talk to you all in just a few weeks!! WOOOT WOOT!!!

Hermana Hansen

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