***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week 7

October 22, 2012

Hello my wonderful family!!!

How are you all, this fine Monday morning?? I am doing stupendous! You know why? Its Pday and I love Pday. (Preparation Day) I just LOVE reading those emails and writing ya'll back. My family is the greatest.

Well this week. What an interesting week it has been. We really worked hard and had a LOT of ups and downs. Some good news, a few times this week I have been feeling good about understanding Spanish! There were some times when I just entendido (understood) the whole conversation. However, I would then open my mouth and I think every one in the room felt bad for the poor, sad, struggling white girl. Better luck next time. I am finally able to see some improvement so that feels just real nice.

Wanna hear the best new of the week!?!?   It’s about my darling and most favorite lady here, Juana Eva. Oh she just is the sweetest most sincere lady! I love her! Anyways, we went over this week to work on English and to teach her a lesson. English went well and she learns very quickly. We are helping her prepare for her interview that she has to have for her citizen’s test. We did that for a while and we didn't have a lot of time so we asked her how she liked church. Oh family, I was stressed, you just care for these people so much and want nothing more than for them to understand how amazing the gospel is, and then they come to church and it is CRAZY!! Anyways she answered us my saying, in Spanish, “Well I don't want to offend you girls but.........”, and then the crazy fast Spanish started in and I was only catching a few words here and there. I was trying to read Hna Clayton's reaction but I couldn’t quite get a grasp on what was going on. She then got up and left the room to grab her Book of Mormon. Then Hna Clayton explained to me that she LOVED church! Her only complaint was that people kept inviting her to so many activities during the week and she just didn't have time for all of the extra stuff, but she was really going to try to make it to church every Sunday. AAWWWWW YEEEAHHhh!!!!

I wanted to cry I was so happy. We then read with her the intro of the Book of Mormon and explained it a bit more and then-- you ready for this?? We committed her to be baptized on the 25 of Nov!!!!! She at first, when we asked said no-which is normal and actually expected.  We try to set dates with people just so we have a goal and a lot of times it helps them to think about what their concerns are and such. She however, thought we said 25 of Oct and so she was quite weirded out. Ha bless her heart. I love her! But she agreed that if by the 25th of Nov, if she truly feels it is right and what God wants her to do she will be baptized! We are so excited for her! We can really see the Spirit working with her and she is just so open to His teachings. Please keep her in your prayers that she will continue to progress and feel close to the Spirit.

That was the highlight of the week!! Oh how I love to see miracles! We have been working hard and have found some new people who are willing to have us over so that is a start. We have such high hopes for this area! Life on a mission is very much a roller coaster and is hard work but it is so worth it! It is amazing to feel the Spirit work through you to touch the hearts of people who need it! I love being a missionary! I love you all and hope all is going well!!

Hermana Hansen

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