***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week 6

October 15th, 2012


Family Hello!! I feel as though I have received some really quality emails from ya'll today! And promised letters in the mail...nothing better! 

This morning has been a bit trying because our wonderfully classy Laundromat, the Washanderia, is just not my favorite place in the world and the dryer died half way through so I got to ride here to the library with soggy leggings, delightful. However the point is your emails have just cheered me right up I forgot all about it!!! :D

Oh this week has been a good one! First of all today is day one of transfer 2 in the field.  Man that last one just flew by! I only have 6 more weeks of training that stresses me a bit. Hopefully I will be able to speak just a bit of Spanish by the time this one ends. Also today is my 102 day as a missionary can I get a what, what? I asked for gifts from the elders in my district but apparently it wasn't as big of a deal to them as it is to me. Awkward!

We had zone training this week, which was great! We talked numbers of how the new missionary age is going to change things for our missions and I am just so pumped up!! I want there to be just as many sisters as there are elders serving in the world! My mission president is so great he just really cares about all of us! I love this mission!

Other good news we finally had investigators come to church!! We had part of a family come and EVA! I love Eva so much!! She didn't seem quite sure about coming when we had last talked to her, her friend is a member and she said she would get a ride with her if she wanted to come. She took her citizenship test this weekend, which we were helping her prepare for so on Saturday morning. Hermana Clayton and I heart-attacked her door wishing her good luck. That did it I'm pretty sure :) She could tell how much we just love her and she decided to come see what we are all about. We were walking into the building and we could see her a bit down the hall and I thought I was going to die! We went right up to her and gave her a big hug and kiss on the cheek (normal for Latinas, I had a nightmare the other night that I was kissing people's cheeks when I got home. That just didn't fly with white people) Anyways what a miracle! 

I had to give my testimony as part of the program (Yup that is 3 out of 5 Sundays being here that I have had to public speak in Spanish, I love my life!) in sacrament meeting. After sacrament things got a little crazy. 

The ward here is really so great I love the people so much. However, most members are recent converts so they are still learning their stuff, it is very common for people to argue, a lot, during the classes. There has been a throw down in one class or another every Sunday since I have been here. It is very stressful! I mean I don't know what people are "raising their voices" about because, I can't always understand it, all I know is whoever is talking the loudest and fastest wins. It was interesting having investigators there. We have to go to some damage control this week because the eternal marriage lesson got so heated.  We are really nervous we may have lost one of them. :( As I was sitting there though I was just praying so hard that everything would turn out ok and I had a distinct feeling that He knows what He is doing and is in charge so we just need to trust Him.

We also are teaching a couple of people English. We are teaching Eva and a recent convert Tomy. Tomy has quite a difficult time, he really tries hard though. He is great because he helps me with my Spanish at the same time so it’s great for both of us!

I am so grateful for this gospel and for the fact that it is real and true. I know I have much less to fear and stress over because Christ is the Head and knows what to do. I love this work and I learn so much everyday! Life is grand!! I love you all!  I am going to try to upload some pictures, we'll see how that goes :) LOVE YOU!

Hermana Hansen

  Hermana Clayton & Hermana Hansen

                                                      Comfort Food!

                                           A graffiti wall in the hood!

                                 My District at a Cactus Farm trying to be fierce!

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