***heads up***

****We receive letters from Sister Hansen every Monday, so be sure to check back each week :)****

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Week 5

October 8, 2012 


Well what an AMAZING Conference Weekend!

Ok Let us just talk about the missionary announcement… WHOOOOOOT! I am soo pumped about that! I hope so much that that encourages more sisters to serve!!

I have only been out for 3 months and I can not believe all that I have learned about life, the Gospel, the Atonement, love and people. Missions are so amazing! I know everybody is different and they are not for every girl or whatever but I personally believe every sister should serve! All of us missionaries around here were talking about the announcement after and how excited we were and then we realized we were going to be able to tell our children "Well you know in my day..." missionary stories. Aww yeah!

Anyways I was sufficiently pumped about that! Also another temple in AZ that is great! We have been doing pretty well lately as far as temples go in our home state!

It was such a different experience watching conference as a missionary. I have really grown to love conference over the past few years but as a missionary its one of the biggest weekends of the year!! Hna Clayton and I have been counting down for conference for a couple of weeks. I really loved Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. He is such a great speaker. He gave me the reminder to enjoy every minute of my short mission. I also really enjoyed Elder Oak's talk. Elder Holland. Ohhh Elder Holland, I love that man! He just always hits it home for me. He gave a similar talk to that one in the MTC, which we got to watch in our ward conferences at home, but we also watched it on Friday during a zone train meeting. I felt that the phrase "You can't go back" came up quite a few times in conference. That was really powerful. Also Elder Bednar's talk was great! He also gave a similar one to that at the MTC that I got to watch a couple of times. So amazing! ANYWAYS. I loved it!

This week has been a pretty good one. My Spanish gets worse and worse everyday so that's lovely. I still have faith it will get there. We have been working really hard with our investigators right now trying to get them to progress. They all have something holding them back, which can be pretty discouraging. I know though that the Lord is working with them as well and His timing for everything is perfect. We are just trying to stay positive and keep on keepin on. :)

We met such a great couple this week. Their names are Arturo y Adriana. Arturo has already taken the missionary lessons somewhere else and he want to be baptized. He wants us to teach his wife now. They are so sweet! They are just very, very busy and it’s hard to set up appointments with them. They have been to church once and they liked it a lot. Adriana seems very open and she really likes us, so we have a lot of hope for them!

I'm trying to come up with a funny story to tell ya'll but I can't think of any. Not that we aren't funny...because we are. We are hilarious. Just know that much at least. :)
All is well here. We are working hard and finding something to laugh about everywhere we go! I love Hna Clayton she is such a great missionary. I have so much I can learn from her! Life is great! I love you all!!!!!!!!

Hermana Hansen

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